UCAF, A.I.E.  it  is  a  group  that  was  constituted  in  1.994.  In  their   beginning   it  was  

integrated  by  nine companies  whose  performance  was  directed   tothe  market of the   

professional of  the  wood. Today  in day, this  quantity of companies has been increased  

until  reaching  the  quantity  of  thirteen  and  as  for the  performance  in  the  market, a  

bigger  specialization has taken place. The companies associated to UCAF, are hardware  

store  wholesalers distributed around  the Spanish geography.  

During these  years UCAF,besides having  grown in  associates'  number, it has increased  

their  business  volume, increased their commercial  relationships  with  foreign countries,   

developed  multiple commercial and advertising  actions,  their  commercial  bottom  has 

been reinforced  with the registration of marks and designs, and in definitive,  it has  been 

able to be secured like the first group in its sector. 

Versión en español